Tuuletar: Tules Maas Vedes Taivaal, featuring Bonus Track -- ORDER FORM
You can order Tules Maas Vedes Taivaal, featuring Bonus Track UHO -CD by filling out this form.

Release date: 24.10.2018.
Tuuletar is an award-winning Finnish vocal group. Since 2012 this exceptional group has been enchanting audiences of all ages and cultures with their freshly invigorating and self-composed music and heartfelt and tribal spirit.

Their expressive and exotic voices, sassy beatboxing and exquisite stage presence goes straight into your heart and soul.

Price 20 EUR  & postage delivered from Finland.

Record Label: Bafe's Factory (http://bafesfactory.fi)
Band Website: Tuuletar.com (http://tuuletar.com/)

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tuuletarband/
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